イギリスのAOI WIA2022【ショートリスト】に入選しました

イギリスのイラストレーター協会『 AOI 』が開催する国際コンペ “world illustration awards 2022″
The world illustration awards 2022, an international competition held by the British illustrators’ association “AOI”
In June this year, Wakayama City Mobile Library was selected as one of the 500 entries in the “long list” out of more than 5000 entries from all over the world. And now it has been announced that we have been selected for the “short list” of 200 entries. We are honored that our work in Wakayama, our hometown, has been recognized in an international competition. Thank you for the wonderful news!
The works selected for the [Short List] will be included in the catalog. They will be placed in the catalogue and distributed to the commissioners around the world.
The mobile library was designed and illustrated by Rositroka. The theme is that the animals have come to meet the citizen to share the stories and knowledge they have gathered from all over the world, and each person who looks at the entire body of the car can feel the story of each book and the animals.
This mobile library departs from the Wakayama Civic Library and travels to 35 locations in the city, including schools and parks.
Thank you.